
Beach Storm

beach stormFrom the boardwalk looking across the estuary to the surf beach she could see the dark clouds gathering.  It would rain soon but at that moment the effect of the sun at her back illuminating the clouds on the water’s reflection was mesmerising.  She took a breath, tasting the metallic flavour which comes before the rain.  It would be wise to head indoors but she felt unable to move from her seat.  Absorbed by the light playing with the shadows in the sky and on the water.

Below on the sand she could see families slowed by their fascination with the same spectacle.  A sunny day at the beach had turned prematurely dark.  It was time to pack and leave, to shovel sandy kids and dogs into the car and head home for baths before stories and bed.  But the vista of the storm front moving across the sky, altering the natural palette and ambiance of the place as it tumbled in, was something worth slowing down for.  From where she sat she heard several exclamations, ‘Look at the sky, kids.’ ‘That’s a big storm!’

A sudden flash of lightening was followed by a clap of thunder, as heavy rain drops began to hit the sand, making little divots as they landed.  Parents dragged their eyes away from the horizon, moving rapidly now, anxious to avoid a soaking between the beach and the car.  Towels and blankets were hastily unfurled, shaken free of sand and punched into bright coloured beach bags.  Half eaten food was gathered up in eskys and plastic bags.  With bags slung over shoulders, eskys in tow and hands full of children, beach chairs, sandy toys and car keys, they came steaming off the beach through the scrub to the car park.

Within minutes the rain drops seem to merge as though sheets of water were falling from the sky.  With a sigh she rose from her seat on the boardwalk, pulled the hood of her raincoat over her head and angled her face away from the rain for the walk home.

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